To install klaviyo.js into your project, copy the code snippet below and past it into the project code before the closing body tag.
Be sure to replace 'PUBLIC_API_KEY' with your Public API Key from Klaviyo.
<script type="application/javascript" async
You can add extra snippets of code to identify your customers with any information they have submitted.
var _learnq = _learnq || [];
_learnq.push(['identify', {
'$email': '{{emailAddress }}',
'$first_name': '{{ firstName }}',
'$last_name': '{{ lastName }}'
Additional tokens you can pass into Klaviyo
Please visit Klaviyo developer documents for additional information
Select the code editor in Subscribe Funnels

Paste the Klaviyo code into Subscribe Funnels
Place the scripts at the end of your code.